Cyber Guardian is one of the few who can completely remove links from popular search engines.
Our team of experts will manually sift through provided websites to analyze, review and identify the best means of getting in touch with webmasters to remove unwanted links including backlinks imported from all major services.
We manage the entire link removal process from start to finish and ensure no traces of unwanted information remain.
You’ll have peace of mind knowing our proactive monitoring and maintenance service is continuously looking over your shoulder. Stop worrying and focus on the important work you’re doing.
We generate on a monthly or weekly basis, report(s) outlining the work completed and result of our efforts.
Our team directly integrates with Google Search Console to ensure Google is kept in the loop.
This type of press affects not only the morale of your company, the reputation in your industry and community but can also negatively affect your sales.
Most companies that address reputation management problems can only go as far as creating new content and hoping they rank above the bad content, but it’s never really gone.
CGCG goes the extra step to restore your reputation. Our team of experts mitigate the situation by analyzing the link profile and removing toxic items that impacting your business and life. We make sure these links are completely off Google’s radar.