Cybersecurity Solutions

Cybersecurity Solutions

Employees of the company are the authors and inventors of new methods of security management and cyber risk, which is confirmed by relevant certificates and diplomas.


When an alert is issued during an attack you won’t have to tell us, because we’ll already be on the case.

Tailored to your needs

Our services are tailored and designed to give you the best protection possible. With constantly evolving Cybersecurity threats, we ensure solutions are current and our clients remain secure.

Ongoing Support

You’ll have comfort knowing our proactive security actively observes your environment for abnormalities.

CGCG 7-Layer Cyber Armor System™

A method designed by CGCG for controlling and preventing most cyber threats.

Unmatched prevention capabilities defend against known, unknown malware, including fileless attacks. Full threat visibility provides context, details and history for every instance of potential compromise. Automated and analyst-driven intervention capabilities allow for us to intervene before its too late.


Our future thinking solutions:


Hudson Valley

Hudson Yards
